Ten things that made me happy in October

happy face candy corn from clipartbestdotcom

via clipartbest.com


1.This is going to sound so weird but seeing an interview with Dolly Parton made me happy.  I am not a fan of her music or country music at all, but she is such a great role model for my generation and I hope that the younger generation can discover her value as well.  Smart and generous and compassionate with a full understanding of the effect her appearance has on those seeing her for the first time, she is a bundle of surprises.

2.Spending a whole weekend with my daughter.  Now that she is married, and even though she is temporarily living with us, we just do not get to spend much time with her.  But her husband was gone for the weekend so when the cat is away the mice will play..lol.  A fun weekend just talking and laughing and drinking way too much wine together…heavenly!

3.My girlfriend and I have attended the Harvest Festival every year for the past 30 years and this year was no different.  We rarely spend more than about $20 on a few little things but it sort of signals the beginning of the fall season for us.

4.Trick or treating with the grandbabies.  Our son and daughter in law live in one of those fun neighborhoods where the parents sit out on the driveway and hand out candy and the kids can run all around the street and everyone decorates and it is just so relaxed and safe and so fun to watch the kids get braver and braver each year.

5.Christmas movies in October?  Yes, please.  The Hallmark channel started a little early this year but that is okay with me.  The day after Halloween is the official start of the holiday season for me and I look forward to 60 days of Christmas movies every single night.

6. We are an exercising kind of family and it is so fun to step back into time occasionally which is how it feels when the three of us (Rick, me and our daughter) can hit the gym at the same time.

7.  Discovering new artists and artwork is one of my favorite things.  My personal taste runs toward the unusual so I have long enjoyed the whimsical pieces of “sculpture” offered by Cardboard Safari and even have a small moose hanging on my den wall.  However, these items are not really art until someone like Leah Yellowstone gets a hold of them and then they become one of the most impressive pieces of artwork I have ever seen.  Check out her website to see what is involved in creating these masterpieces—those are all tiny little paint dots!!moose art from leah yellowbird at leahyellowbirddotcom moost from cardboard safari

8.  Life got away from me and I totally dropped the ball on my “happiness” post for October and even November.  Lots going on in our household which I will be sure to share in  my December post.  Hope all of your fall and winter months have been full of happy thoughts and events.


About hayniedi

What about me? In a nutshell I am a middle-aged interior designer and freelance writer, mother of an amazing 27 year old daughter, wife to my semi-retired lawyer husband and step-grandma to two delicious babies. From my earliest memories I have been fascinated with interior decorating and love to share my passion for beautiful rooms with anyone who will listen. Join me on this blog as my husband and I enter our empty nest years and move back into the first home we bought when we were first married that has been a rental for the past 15 years. I will share our experience with remodeling as well as other ideas and thoughts that I hope will inspire you.
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1 Response to Ten things that made me happy in October

  1. lulu says:

    Ah, life is so full of simple pleasures.


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