Ten things that made me happy in October 2015

October was a busy month full of plenty of happiness so let’s begin:

  1.  I mentioned that we took a road trip at the end of September and into the first week of October and I was very happy to see old friends and spend 9 days in the car with my husband…not every couple could survive this but we do quite well!
  2. A new home for my step-son and his family (which includes my granddaughter).  It makes me very happy to see them have space to run around and play and I look forward to many years of special Christmas Eves, birthday parties etc.
  3. Sunflowers.  How can these cheerful flowers not make you happy every time you look at them?  Says fall is in the air even in warm and sunny southern California.  This is a good time to remind you that fresh flowers add life and color to your home all year round so make a designer happy and go out and buy a pretty bouquet from your local grocer or nursery–you won’t regret it.
  4. Speaking of fall, taking a walk and collecting colorful leaves in gorgeous shades of red and gold while we were in Idaho on our road trip.  I was hoping to bring them home and place them in a dish to enjoy all season long but guess what?  Leaves dry up and crumble once they fall from the trees…who knew?!
  5. News from “home”.  I “friend” a site called “You know you’re from Pacific Grove when…” and they post the most incredible photos of my hometown which makes me happy and a bit homesick.  But check this little guy out….sea lions were a daily way of life in Pacific Grove.
  6. photo courtesy of David Johansen

    photo courtesy of David Johansen

6.  A good belly laugh always makes me happy.  Read this and see if you laugh:


7.  A trip to the mountains.  Some people find the sea relaxing but the mountains do it for me.  The crisp, clean air, beautiful evergreens and chilly nights always make me happy. Flagstaff, AZ is a relatively easy trip for a weekend for those of us in Southern California and I highly recommend it.  There was even snow on the mountains which made this skier very happy!

8.  Trick or treating with this Mermaid Princess.  Her camera shy brother was too busy running around to share is Ewok costume but try to imagine an Ewok with a pacifier!  Do any of us ever outgrow the excitement of this one day event?  Not to mention all that free candy!  One of the many delights of grandbabies is being able to experience these childhood events all over again.

ella halloween 2015 sparkly eyes

9.  Clients who enjoy the decorating process as much as I do makes me very happy.  The ones who love the thrill of the hunt and enjoy the completed project are so fun and, as a designer, it brings me great joy when someone is happy with the outcome.  You know I am talking to you, Sharon!  Here is her re-decorated living room and she is hard at work on the adjoining dining room.

sharon ladd living room after with artwork

10.  Phone calls with dear friends who live faraway.  Today’s technology allows us to communicate minute by minute via email, facebook, instagram etc but nothing is as good as hearing someone’s voice over the phone.

What made you happy in October?

About hayniedi

What about me? In a nutshell I am a middle-aged interior designer and freelance writer, mother of an amazing 27 year old daughter, wife to my semi-retired lawyer husband and step-grandma to two delicious babies. From my earliest memories I have been fascinated with interior decorating and love to share my passion for beautiful rooms with anyone who will listen. Join me on this blog as my husband and I enter our empty nest years and move back into the first home we bought when we were first married that has been a rental for the past 15 years. I will share our experience with remodeling as well as other ideas and thoughts that I hope will inspire you.
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2 Responses to Ten things that made me happy in October 2015

  1. hayniedi says:

    Awww, thanks Sharon.


  2. Sharon says:

    Love my new room and love working with you on my decorating projects.. You are a designer extraordinaire!


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